Monday, November 11, 2019

Best programming language in 2020

Best Programming languages to choose for 2020!

As technologies are growing at its peak daily, there are new technologies evolving.  With new technologies, there comes a variety of programming languages to use with. We have come to almost to the end of 2019 and soon 2020 begins. We have researched and listed the best programming languages in 2020.

1. Python: 

Python is one of the trending, powerful and flexible programming language. One of the reasons it is useful and preferred by all developers is that it is scalable, vast, easy and there are many libraries of python available in the market. A framework like Django has gained heavy attention of the web developer.  Tensor, on the other hand, is a rich AI library for machine learning and big data analytics. big companies like google, facebook, Spotify uses it to make AI-based searches precise.


2. Javascript:

javascript, on the other hand, is basically client-side scripting language. It is used for manipulating and interacting with the front end, ie HTML and CSS. But as Node.Js was introduced, it can handle both the front end as well as back end(server). Also using javascript we can handle create the cross-platform desktop application using the library like Electron. React, Vue And Angular are the powerfull Tools( framework) available for front end developers. It has also high market value to an employee as well as the demand rate is high.


Java is the object-oriented Programming Language. It is the language that is heavily used for Android Development. Java is used for server-side scripting as well as for Application or Software Development.

4. GO language

Go Lang is one of the modern and popular Programming Language nowadays. Golang is managed and maintained by Google. To some extends, Golang is even better as compared to python. Google has made it full of resources and easy to read syntax. In the future, Google will use it in its majority of projects as well.


Flutter is an open-source UI software development kit created by Google. It is used to develop applications for Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, Linux, Google Fuchsia and the web. The first version of Flutter was known as codename "Sky" and ran on the Android operating system.

It had been recognized as the best development tool for the Web application developer.

Any query related to programming language??
or Interested on learning any of this language

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